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21 Feb

Update 5/22/12: First, let me apologize to everyone about dropping the ball for my food blog. Life caught up with me in the midst of my food bloggery. A couple updates. I’ve since graduated from CSULB (Class of 2011 baby!). I work full time as an Account Representative for an international freight forwarder (sounds boring, but I love what I do!). I still venture out into the infinite abyss of food spots and continue to have the passion to share my adventures. So let’s continue, shall we?


I am not a great writer. I mean, come on now, I’m a Business major.


However, my passion for exploring and discovering good food has inspired me to create this blog of my adventures, with hopes that you as the reader may also have that urge and motivation to check these places out and, even better, find new places which I hope you’ll share with the world also.



Click on the categories above to check out my posts.

The site is still in Beta mode, but it WILL continue to get better over time. Promise. 😉

I’m a Newb

21 Feb

This is my first blog post since my Xanga days, so I’m rather rusty when it comes to the blogging world. Please excuse the lack of content initially. The site is still in Beta mode. It’ll get better…I PROMISE!!! Keep checking in here. It will be worth your time. 😉